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Other Complaints

This additional policy is for the benefit of all involved with student school placements including parents, schools, and host families. The policy provides guidelines for handling concerns and complaints against any member of BWE personnel, whether paid or unpaid, and includes the drivers and host families. We aim to resolve any complaint quickly and fairly. If a concern or complaint is dealt with seriously and sensitively at an early stage, it is likely to have a satisfactory outcome. What constitutes a complaint? A complaint is formal. We need to know as soon as possible if you are dissatisfied with any aspects of our services. This policy aims to differentiate between a concern, which can often be resolved informally, and a formal complaint that requires investigation. Complaints Co-ordinator The Complaints Co-ordinator is the administrator of BWE. The main responsibilities of the Complaints Co-ordinator are: Acting as the first point of contact for complaints. Co-ordinating the complaints process. Monitoring the keeping, confidentiality, and storage of records in relation to complaints in compliance with data protection legislation. Providing a written response to complaints following an investigation at Stage 2. Complaints Process Stage 1: Informal concern or difficulty An informal concern or difficulty should be notified orally to the BWE representative. If the complaint is about the BWE representative, then the complaint should be made orally to the Manager. If the Manager or Deputy Manager feels the concern needs to be taken further, they will ask for the details of the complaint to be put in writing and will complete a complaints form. Stage 2: Formally raising a concern or difficulty A formal complaint should be raised in writing to the Manager. Every formal complaint will be documented on a form, along with the actions taken to resolve the issue or concern. The Manager will determine whether the complaint can be addressed in-house. If this is not deemed suitable or possible, the complaint will be referred to an external person, such as a legal or independent body, to determine the facts. Stage 3: Resolving the complaint Once a complaint has been received in writing and can be addressed in-house, the complainant will be informed of this decision, the actions taken to resolve the issue, and asked for feedback to ensure satisfaction with the outcome. If the complaint is handled by an external party, the complainant will be informed of the process undertaken and any further feedback required to facilitate resolution. Upon resolution, the complainant will receive a letter detailing the final outcome. Confidentiality A written record of all complaints and the stage at which they were resolved will be maintained for three years. The number of complaints received in an academic year will be supplied to parents upon request. Correspondence, statements, and records related to individual complaints will remain confidential unless disclosure is required by the local authority. In accordance with data protection principles, personal details related to an individual complaint will typically be destroyed following an investigation. In exceptional circumstances, some details may be retained for a longer period if necessary. This policy ensures that all concerns and complaints are handled respectfully, efficiently, and transparently to uphold the standards of BWE and provide satisfactory outcomes for all parties involved.

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